
Showing posts from April, 2018

I chose to shoot my final series around the University of Tampa. I wanted to capture elements of the university I've overlooked or under-appreciated in the past. My time at University of Tampa is almost over, and I wanted to showcase aspects of the campus I've learned to appreciate.


I chose to shoot my experimental series with a glass sphere. I had my friend hold the sphere in his hand so that I could focus the camera lens on the object behind the sphere. I did this to play on the juxtaposition of the scenery captured at point value versus the element seen upside down through the sphere.


I chose to photograph my puppy Milo because he a subject I could capture acting authentically for the camera. I chose to edit the photos with soft lighting to compliment his gentle puppy demeanor. I also blurred out the background to ensure the focus of the photograph was on Milo.
